EME Incubation Program (EIP) 2024

For Semiconductor, Industry 4.0, Embedded-System Product Startups and Teams

EME Incubation Program (EIP), brought to you by ITIDA, is designed to boost startups working on semiconductor, Industry 4.0, digital transformation, embedded-system product. EIP offers a vibrant ecosystem at the Knowledge City Innovation Hub and aims to nurture pre-seed/seed startups with the potential to scale, foster innovation and investment.


EME Incubation Program (EIP), brought to you by ITIDA, is designed to boost startups working on semiconductors, Industry 4.0, digital transformation, and embedded-system products. EIP offers a vibrant ecosystem at the Knowledge City Innovation Hub and aims to nurture pre-seed/seed startups with the potential to scale, and foster innovation and investment.

With EIP, startups gain access to a wide range of benefits, including market validation support, assistance in defining their go-to-market strategy, and testing the market. We help validate their value proposition and problem statements, analyze customer segmentation, and establish pricing strategies. Our program also focuses on availing access to advanced technology labs and prototyping facilities, including; state of a art Microelectronics characterization lab, IoT & Robotics lab, Industry 4.0 Innovation Center (IIC), and digital fabrication lab.

If you are a startup or team working on semiconductors, Industry 4.0 applications, or embedded systems products, EIP is the ideal program to support your growth. Whether you have a functioning prototype or an MVP, a business plan, and early customers or partners, we invite you to apply.

Join us on this exciting journey of innovation, entrepreneurship, and success. Apply now and take your startup to new heights with EIP!

Promote building, nurturing, and growth of pre-seed/seed startups as sustainable businesses with the potential to scale.
Foster semiconductor/embedded system-based innovation to solve market problems/challenges.

Program Benefits
BMC: value-proposition and problem-statement validation: Assist startups in validating their value-proposition by analyzing the problem, the solution and its technological viability and potential for commercialization. Aid them to decide whether to pivot or to maintain their current proposition. Assist them in iterating their BMCs to better accommodate changes or new findings
Market validation: Assist startups in defining their go-to-market, launching their product/service, and testing the market.
Startup team development: The founding team should gain fundamental knowledge related to leadership, innovation management, and business essentials suitable to ensure business sustainability and continuity of the startup. The focus should also be drawn to employing new team members by defining a structure and essential functions for the business.
Customer segmentation: Assist startups in analyzing their active customer base and building a user persona; continuing to gain new information about their customers/defining and segmenting their potential customers; and establishing analytics/measurements to evaluate customers' interaction and acceptance levels of the startup's product/service.
Investment readiness, and fundraising: Assist startups to learn in-depth about the investment landscape available to early-stage startups and at later stages in the ecosystem. Equip them with tools, resources, and connections to help them establish an investment-ready company profile.
Accounting, financial, and legal soundness: Ensure that startups are aware of the financial and legal responsibilities associated with launching a startup (different types of companies, requirements for company registration, tax structures, financial obligations, etc.). Assist startups in registering and licensing their businesses, establishing an accounting system, and preparing
Pricing Assist startups in learning about and applying the different pricing strategies, equations, and matrices as suitable to their unique solution(s). Assist startups in adopting strategies and negotiations related to supply and cost-benefit optimization.
Business planning: With the startup, a startup's mentor, and through workshops, work together on validating a startup's business plan and ensuring accommodate all necessary elements that could guide the startup in implementation during and post the incubation program.
Other business functions: marketing, business development, HR, and PR: Deep-dives into business to help startups adapt from early-on business functions which could lead to success, growth, business continuity, and goals attainment.
Partnerships/Sandbox: Connect the startups with suitable opportunities for business growth including partnerships with varying stakeholders e.g. suppliers, benefactors, co-op services, and potential user groups. Introduce suitable startups to other ITIDA programs.
Technology-specific expertise: Deep-dives into technology-related knowledge through practical training, experimentation, technical advising, expert consultation, etc. Ensure that almost all efforts were carried out to obtain the success of solution deployment.
Advanced Technology Labs: Availing access to advanced technology labs and prototyping facilities, including; state of the art Microelectronics characterization lab, IoT & Robotics lab, Innovation center of Industry 4.0, and Digital fabrication lab.
By-product innovation: The concept serves as a platform to nurture innovation that stems from available use cases offered by startups or generated throughout the incubation program and attracts the interest of startups or others in a different pool (in hackathons, pre-incubation programs) to take on separately.

Program Funding
EGP 1M grant (120K Cash + 880K In-kind).
EGP 250K worth of additional dedicated and shared services (mentoring hours, consulting, dedicated office space @ Knowledge City Innovation Hub, etc.).

     ITIDA shares no equity with startups.

Target Applicants

Applicant Profile and Selection Parameters

Pre-seed/seed stage.
Working on semiconductors, industry 4.0 applications, IoT & embedded-system products.
Less than 3 years old, if legally established.
Preferably a minimum of 2 founders.
Preferably enabled by emerging AI technologies.
Pitching deck.
Functioning prototype/MVP.
Business plan.
Preferably having early customers/users/partners/financiers.

Application Selection Execution Showcase
One month

15 May 2024 to 30 June 2024
One month

June 2024
15 month

July 2024 to September 2025
One month

October 2025
- Accepting applications -Selection and filtration

- Interview the shortlisted

- Pitching, selecting and announcing the accepted startups
- Startup diagnostic assessment

- Learning, startup milestone, and programming development planning
- Demo day/showcase -Investment matching - Exhibition participation

Milestones and Return Metrics
Product launched and revenue generated.
% of the increase in customer base.
No. of new jobs created.
investment raised
Preferably enabled by emerging AI technologies.
Growth rate.
Overseas expansion.
After Graduation
Yearly evaluation of the above for three years after graduation.

Cash Funding
Phase 1 40K( Duration: 1-3 Months) After registering the company.
Phase 2 40K(Duration: 3-6 Months) New MVP release.
Phase 3 40K(Duration: 6-9 Months) Partner/IP/120K+Revenue.

To apply, download the required templates here, then fill out this form