ITIDA is a Strategic Sponsor at Techne Summit Cairo 2024

23 May 2024

​The Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) announced its sponsorship of the third edition of "Techne Summit Cairo", held from May 25 to 27.

CREATIVA Innovation Hub at Sultan Hussein Kamel Palace will host the first day of the summit, the activities of which will be opened by Dr. Amr Talaat, Minister of Communications and Information Technology, and summit activities will continue in the second two days at Cairo International Stadium.

It is with the same concern to foster technology startups and promote their entrepreneurial projects. Through taking part in events specializing in latest tech and business trends, the Agency supports the participation of 10 startups from various governorates. They will have pavilions dedicated to exhibit their solutions in the Indoors Hall no. 2 at Cairo International Stadium, besides a set of benefits offered by the Agency for the community of entrepreneurship and university students. 

Eng. Ahmed Alzaher, CEO of ITIDA, said: "ITIDA's sponsorship of this year's edition comes within the framework of its commitment and leading role that supports creativity and promotes entrepreneurial tech innovation climate in Egypt. We believe in the necessity of sponsoring startups and their participation in specialized events that gather entrepreneurs and provide a platform for networking with investors and opportunities to interact and exchange ideas and experiences. This contributes to building a powerful community of entrepreneurship capable of creating untraditional solutions using information technology, including contributing to confronting social challenges."

Techne Summit Cairo in its third edition comes under the auspices of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Information Technology Industry Development Agency, the Digital Economy and Technology General Division (DETGD), and the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, and Social Fund for Development's MSME.

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