Egyptian-Spanish IT Innovation Program

The Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) and the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) signed a joint program for co-operation on July 4, 2016. The CDTI, also known as the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial and founded in 1977, is an affiliate to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation fostering the tech development and innovation of Spanish companies.​
Egyptian-Spanish IT Innovation Program (ESITIP)


Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology, d.b.a. CDTI, and ITIDA signed a joint program on July 4, 2016. CDTI is founded in 1977 and known as Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial. It is part of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, a.k.a. MINECO, fostering the tech development and innovation of Spanish companies.

Both signees agreed to launch mutual Calls for Proposals. Each call aims at launching ambitious shared projects of a high international standard between Egyptian and Spanish organizations. Potential projects will be funded by ITIDA and CDTI. Those are the nodal implementing entities from the Egyptian and Spanish sides, respectively.


ITIDA funds Product Development Projects (PDP). Each of these projects has its conditions on the entry point which is either proof of concept or prototype and the final output is product. Duration of projects is up to 2 years.

Check the agenda for more details about the process and dates.


Minimum eligibility criteria:

one Egyptian ICT private company and.
one Spanish private company.

Eligible Spanish Applicants:

Spanish consortia should include at least one company. Participation of research institutes/universities and other organizations is welcome as self funded participants or subcontractors

Eligible Egyptian Applicants:

ITIDA Eligibility criteria for Egyptian companies are:

Egyptian companies have to be an established company:
Operating and registered in Egypt.
Registered in ITIDA Database.

Promote and fund market-driven research and technology development
Encourage partnerships and business-led R&D&I collaborative projects between entities from both countries

The following points display the timetable of calls for proposals

Launch of Call for Proposals is on January 29, 2025.
Deadline for submission May 26, 2025.
Joint EGY-SPA eligibility approval: the list of projects complies with ESITIP requirements will be announced.
Funding decisions will be announced on both parties’ websites.

Joint R&D&I proposals must be submitted to CDTI, by May 26, 2025 We will not consider unilaterally submitted proposals. Egyptian and Spanish co-applicants must elaborate a single project proposal application (Annex 1 – ESITIP Application Form).

The “bilateral cooperation form” must emphasize

how the proposed collaboration adds value
main technology highlights and innovations
activities to be developed by parties involved highlighting the collaborative work being carried out on each side
both expertise


All co-applicants must seal and sign the ESITIP Application Form. Such document should also expressly indicate name and designation of the authorized signatory in the organization.
Other relevant information not expressly mentioned on the form and that the applicants consider relevant may be included as Annexes.
Co-applicants have to submit the following documents as relevant appendices:
Consortium Agreement in English where co-applicants agree upon the ownership, access rights and exploitation of intellectual property generated during the co-operation, to be submitted to CDTI. The Consortium Agreement needs to be sealed and signed by all co-applicants.
Additional specific documents required by CDTI In the case of Spanish applicants, for certain specific types of financing it will be necessary to present the documents specified in the regulations applicable to the requested aid.
Additional specific documents required by ITIDA include team profile, company profile, project starting point, SWOT analysis and mitigation plan, signed stamped cover page, disclosure statement, references and resources. These documents must be submitted to CDTI.

Consortia (Spanish and Egyptian applicants) submits the common application and all required documents mentioned above following CDTI’s normal guidelines and using CDTI’s electronic services at CDTI - Solicitudes de Ayuda - Acceso al Sistema

You don’t have a Spanish Partner?

To facilitate the matchmaking between Egyptian and Spanish partners, please:

Please submit the partner search  to the following email

Please refer to Resources section for ESITIP documents. ​​​​​​

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