Egypt ITIDA CEO Inaugurates Tech Invest Forum Unveils Ambitious Plan to Boost Tech Exports and Global Reach

10 September 2024

CEO of Egypt's Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA); Ahmed ElZaher inaugurated the fifth edition of the Tech Invest Forum on behalf of Egypt's Minister of CIT, Dr. Amr Talaat. The event, which brings together key figures in Egypt's digital economy, is organized by the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce's Digital Economy and Technology Division (DETGD), under the Ministry of Communications' supervision.

The forum attracted government officials, ambassadors, and business leaders from Egypt's ICT sector, underscoring the country's ambition to become a leading player in the global tech landscape.

Driving Innovation and Strengthening Industry Partnerships

In his keynote speech, ElZaher emphasized ITIDA's focus on bolstering Egypt's digital transformation through strategic partnerships. By working closely with ICT NGOs and the private sector, ITIDA is creating new opportunities for IT companies and fostering innovation across the country. ElZaher highlighted DETGD's crucial role in these efforts, citing a nearly two-decade collaboration that has expanded technology access across Egypt's governorates and driven the development of homegrown digital solutions.

Supporting Startups and Expanding Global Reach

ElZaher also stressed ITIDA's support for startups, which includes facilitating connections with investors and providing platforms for international exposure. Notably, ITIDA supports Egyptian startups to participate in global tech events, such as Web Summit in Portugal and CES in the United States, helping them scale and attract international partners.

Egypt Sets Sights on Tech Dominance: DevOps Days Cairo a Pivotal Step

In a bid to position Egypt as a global tech hub, ElZaher announced that Cairo will host DevOps Days on September 25. This international event, dedicated to cutting-edge practices in DevOps—a methodology that enhances software development and operations—will mark Egypt's growing standing in the global tech conference map. The conference will feature discussions on automation, quality control, and best practices, providing a platform for knowledge-sharing among global tech leaders.

Attracting Foreign Investment through Technology and Manufacturing

ElZaher also spoke about ITIDA's recent memorandums of understanding and cooperation with major Chinese tech companies, signed at the China-Africa Cooperation Forum. These deals will see the establishment of local manufacturing facilities for fiber cables and telecom equipment, along with a research and development (R&D) center and a telecom training facility. This is part of Egypt's broader strategy to localize electronic manufacturing, which has already attracted global mobile phone brands to establish manufacturing facilities in the country.

Expanding IT Exports through Support Programs

As part of its mission to boost Egypt's tech exports, ITIDA announced the launch of a new round of its Export IT program, which provides financial incentives for local IT companies based on their export performance. ElZaher stated that 169 companies already received support amounting to EGP 90 million on 2022 exports. The agency is expanding its reach to support small and micro-enterprises, particularly those operating outside Cairo, with the goal of further boosting the sector's export volume.

Growth in Egypt's ICT Sector

ElZaher highlighted Egypt's ICT sector as one of the country's fastest-growing industries for the fifth year in a row, with growth rates exceeding 16%. He also praised the innovative startups showcased at the forum, which specialize in emerging technologies such as AI, FinTech, and Greentech. These companies, he noted, are well-positioned to expand into international markets and contribute to Egypt's growing tech ecosystem.

The Tech Invest Forum featured panel discussions and sessions aimed at providing insights into ITIDA's range of programs, including its Software Engineering Competence Center (SECC), which helps local companies and developers achieve global certifications and remain competitive on the world stage.

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