Train to Hire

"Train to Hire" is one of the Human Capacity Development Programs (HCDPs), launched by the Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) earlier in 2017. The Program provides specialized training with the aim of: (1) qualifying job seekers to join Offshoring companies, and (2) creating new job opportunities in cooperation with those companies.

"Train to Hire" is one of the Human Capacity Development Programs (HCDPs), launched by the Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA) earlier in 2017. The Program provides specialized training with the aim of: (1) qualifying job seekers to join Offshoring companies, and (2) creating new job opportunities in cooperation with those companies.

In this program, the Agency collaborates with different Offshoring and training companies to bridge the gap between supply and demand of companies' qualified personnel needs with the following skillsets: ​​

Technical skills.
Language skills(maximum 2 levels) and Soft skills.

Program Elements
ITIDA incurs the training costs, provided that the trainees’ numbers and employment rates agreed upon are achieved, after the completion of training and employment.
The company has the right to train by itself or by using a training service provider.
The project starts in March 2023 and ends in October 2024.
The company is committed to providing evidence of the completion of agreed-upon training.
 The company is committed to providing proof of employment of the trainee in an Offshoring company.

ITIDA will reimburse the selected companies after three months of the appointment for each training program separately
The company can change the number of trainees for each track by 25% increase or decrease, while maintaining the targeted employment rate for each track, provided that the total number of trainees is not less than the target, and with the same conditions and budget allocated to the company.

Bridging the gap between supply and demand for the companies' needs of qualified cadres.
Creating a pool of qualified cadres capable of joining the labor market, especially in the field of Offshoring.

The company must be registered in ITIDA database.
The company has a real request to create qualified cadres in Offshoring.
The company has the ability to qualify the human cadres within its premises or at a specialized training services provider.
The company is committed to training and employing the agreed number according to the training target, which is calculated as per the following table:

Application Procedures


To register for the program: Please fill out the application form  and send it to
Registration due date: ٍSunday, 31st December 2023.

Contact Persons