Electronics Innovation Empowerment Design Companies’ Enablement Program

ITIDA offers the “Electronics Innovation Empowerment Design Companies’ Enablement” program through Egypt Makes Electronics (EME) initiative. The Program aims to attract companies designing/developing electronic circuits/systems to operate in the Electronics Creativity Center in Knowledge City.


ITIDA offers the “Electronics Innovation Empowerment Design Companies’ Enablement” program through Egypt Makes Electronics (EME) initiative. The Program aims to attract companies designing/developing electronic circuits/systems to operate in the Electronics Creativity Center in Knowledge City.

The Program is open to both new and existing companies, both global and local. Objectives include (1) attracting companies to the center of innovation, and (2) encouraging them to expand their footprint. Currently, over 20 leading and small companies in the mentioned fields have been accepted for enrollment. Companies are expected to start their operations within the second half of 2023.

Interested companies can apply for the Program and enter the queue. The Electronics Creativity Center offers state-of-the-art equipment and resources to support the design and development of electronic circuits and systems. This Program is an excellent opportunity for companies looking to expand and take advantage of advanced resources and technology in the electronics field.

The Center provides a cutting-edge infrastructure that includes:

1a cleanroom (or clean room) - a specially designed environment that is engineered to keep airborne particulate levels at a very low concentration. It is meticulously isolated and controlled to prevent contamination, and is proactively cleaned to maintain its high level of cleanliness.
advanced laboratories of
Microelectronics, is a field of electronics that deals with the design and development of small electronic components and devices, usually on a microscopic scale.
Micro-Electromechanical Systems [MEMS] - tiny mechanical devices that are combined with microelectronics to create integrated systems.
Internet of Things [IoT] - the network of devices, vehicles, appliances, and other physical objects that are connected to the internet and can exchange data with each other.
Robotics - a branch of engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots.
multimedia - refers to content that incorporates a combination of different forms of media, such as text, graphics, audio, video, and animations.
3Industry 4.0 Center of Excellency (CoE),
4training academy.
5technology incubator.
6professional business services.
7work spaces for companies.

All and above the Center is one component of a larger ecosystem involving local and international universities and institutes.

General Terms & Criteria
The new or existed company, international or domestic, engaged in the design of electronic systems/products / IP devices, component IC chip (ASIC) or electronics EDA tools.
R&D department for an industrial firm working in related electronic systems.
Plan to expand (design or development employees or total revenue) by a minimum 30% over 3 years.
The importance of the proposed project and its impact on reinforcement of the local added value of the Egyptian product.
Competitiveness or originality of the design idea.
Forecast of export volume of the output design.
The beneficiary should provide accredited, authenticated documents and invoices of the facilities, salaries, trips & related activities after each milestone completion to get the installment amount of the next milestone.
In case of any violation of program terms and rules, or uncertainty of submitted info/docs, the benefits will be canceled immediately and the beneficiary will be obliged to return any collected financial incentives.

The program duration is three years.

Companies shall be exempted from rental cost for 3 years. They only bear the expenses of security, maintenance and cleaning services, up to USD 5/m2/month.
Companies are exempted from all costs of Internet and utilities.
Companies enjoy with labs services at non-profit cost during and after program.

Knowledge Hub, Knowledge City, New Administrative Capital.

Office and RnD Spaces Accusation Rental Support.
Enrolled companies benefit from innovation facilities at cost prices.
Enrolled companies benefit from shared facilities (meeting rooms, training rooms, theaters and auditoriums, etc.).

Submission Steps
1Applicant company shall review and download the guides and templates of Design Companies’ Enablement program.

2Fill in all needed data in templates and deliver all needed docs  ITIDA-EME-EDCAFP-Form-April2024

3Follow all other instructions given in the Template to deliver hard copies if required. Send the template and related files to email: mmaged@itida.gov.eg.

4After Application Assessment, beneficiaries will sign a contract with ITIDA before they get the proposed incentives.

5All payments shall be in Egyptian pounds according to the Central Bank exchange rate at payment time.

6the template applications and required documents submission deadline will be by the end of April 2024.
Beneficiary companies will be announced and listed once determined